Plan smarter and improve your efficiency with new 'over the line' dev services


Why choose us?

Infoane's DevOps services provide comprehensive solutions to all your technical web development needs. Our team of professionals will get your website/app up and running quickly. We provide infrastructure, development, and configuration management services that can be integrated into your current infrastructure.

Our DevOps project managers are specifically trained to succeed in a constantly moving environment with the latest cloud tools and legacy systems. We take care of designing rules, policies, or variables that may interact with our application/environment (e.g., BGP). And this reduces risk and allows us to work more efficiently under variable conditions, including network issues.


DevOps spends 33% more time on infrastructure improvements.


According to Google, 77% of organizations currently rely on DevOps to deploy software or plan to soon.


According to Google, 86% of organizations say they must develop and begin new software production quickly.

Our DevOps services include


Cloud Infrastructure Strategy and Design

We configure, deploy, and maintain your complete infrastructure under the cloud throughout the application delivery lifecycle.


Continuous Integration + Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

We provide QA and testing for your code with a real-time online dashboard. Test before deploying, follow our CI/CD process to deploy automatically whenever there is a minor or major change in the source repository.


Cloud Infrastructure Automation Consulting

We provide cloud infrastructure automation consulting services as well. We will assess your business requirements and start with a strategy for implementing integrated automation-based services that can reduce cost, increase security and improve your infrastructure management.


Automated Monitoring

We provide cloud infrastructure monitoring services that can not only detect and react to many potentially catastrophic events, including application or network failure.


Docker DevOps Services

And this is a deliverable for an application to have maximum functionality; hence expect from Infoane that we dedicate our time and skills in optimizing your application. As time goes by, all the technical glitches will be fixed automatically if there are still problematic issues on specific features or platforms being supported.


Kubernetes Consulting

We provide Kubernetes consulting services to manage your clusters and resources better. You'll be able to visualize system health, detect service disruptions quickly.


Spring Boot Consulting

We provide Spring Boot consulting services to manage your projects better, develop and deploy applications. We can design an automation process and work with your team on different kinds of tooling.


Jenkins CI/CD

We will help you implement CI/CD. We can restructure your source code and integrate it with continuous integration (CI) tools, including Jenkins.


Key statistics for devOps

  • The greatest advantage of DevOps is its ability to deliver software faster and more efficiently.
  • The biggest challenge for a growing DevOps culture is how long it takes to initiate one.
  • Remote working enables low-margined IT departments with often limited support staff.
  • Central to DevOps can be to improve or scale the efficiency in a given business.

Benefits of our services

Faster time to market.

More efficient and lower total cost of ownership (TCO).

Reduced project risk and extra work.

Increase competitiveness with similar services available from outsourcing providers, companies or consultants.

Increase your productivity by reducing non-essentials on software development projects leading to more time for the core business.

Transforming businesses for future-proof IT solutions. Connect with us to make a difference.